ON: July 01, 2024 at 2251EST
RE: Re: You love your Mother and Father, even your Brother,
    more than Me... go to Hell. 
FR: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
TO: Mrs Maritza Elizabeth Orozco, Mr Leonidas David Orozco
CC: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, Ms Kelly Anne Wolfe, Freedom Lovers
    Ms Kim Wolfe, Fr Alex Laschuk, Ms Lynda Kosowan, Mr Naasir Bakhsh

  • Dear Mr & Mrs Ho’rozco,

    I’m gonna just let this shit BURN because you’re not an adult wife, rather you’re a child who puts her Brother and Father before her Husband. So you know what?

    You will come back or you will not, but I’m really sick of fighting with you,
    So like I said last time. This is not a silly fucking negotiation.

    I find it hilarious that you call me and tell me to meet you in public so you can be in control. So yeah, fuck that.. I’m not playing your games. I told you what I had hoped for regarding your father leading up to our marriage in the Church, and you uttered consent. So.. fuck you.

    I’m disturbed by the fact that in 1987 when your father Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco (48 yo DOB-1939Jan16) is alleged to have forced your cooperation in a sexual performance. I say alleged, because this is the one time that your mother was aware of daddy forcing you to perform coitus in her stead. However, that’s a moot point…

    You were underage in ‘87 and so were significantly traumatized, and it was not your competence to decline treatment, and your mother actually prevented treatment of your trauma and refused to punish your pedophile father. It was your mother’s duty to prevent you from sustaining trauma, and her responsibility to seek your rehabilitation via therapy. Ms Hilda Esperanza Orozco was your ignorant substitution for appropriate therapy, and you just hide the details of the psychological trauma. When she died July 5th, 2021 you immediately went off the deep end, as described in the table of Ongoing Sacramental Violation (Evitacion Timeline). This is related specifically to times of non-consensual absence, and does not include the consensual absence such as when you were helping your brother (who’s just like his pedophile father) wipe his own ass.


  • As is shown in the table below,
    your gross negligence pattern is a 20% rate of absentia. 




260 DAYS ABSENTIAL — 191+69=260
This breakdown is initiated from the death of Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco Ortiz's Mother Ms Hilda Esperanza Orozco Ortiz on July 5th, 2021. The pattern exists...

20240921    20241003  ≥12 days absence —— Sep21 '24 » Oct03+ '24    26
20240914    20240915   01 days absence —— Aug22 '24 » Sep15  '24    25
20240822    20240913   23 days absence —— Aug22 '24 » Sep13  '24    24
20240808    20240809   01 days absence —— Aug08 '24 » Aug09  '24    23
20240708    20240709   01 days absence —— Jul08 '24 » Jul09  '24    22
20240508    20240706   60 days absence —— May08 '24 » Jul06  '24    21
20231218    20231219   02 days absence —— Dec18 '23 » Dec19  '23    20
20231028    20231029   02 days absence —— Oct28 '23 » Oct29  '23    19
20231014    20231021   08 days absence —— Oct14 '23 » Oct21  '23    18
20231009    20231012   04 days absence —— Oct09 '23 » Oct12  '23    17
20230501    20230503   03 days absence —— May01 '23 » May03  '23    16
20230421    20230428   08 days absence —— Apr21 '23 » Apr28  '23    15
20230401    20230411   10 days absence —— Apr01 '23 » Apr11  '23    14
20221006    20221213   69 days incense —— Oct06 '22 » Dec13  '22    69
20220926    20221003   07 days absence —— Sep26 '22 » Oct03  '22    13
20220909    20220914   05 days absence —— Sep09 '22 » Sep14  '22    12
20220613    20220622   09 days absence —— Jun13 '22 » Jun22  '22    11
20220601    20220611   10 days absence —— Jun01 '22 » Jun11  '22    10
20220514    20220516   03 days absence —— May14 '22 » May16  '22    09
20220502    20220512   10 days absence —— May02 '22 » May12  '22    08
20220421    20220423   03 days absence —— Apr21 '22 » Apr23  '22    07
20220331    20220401   03 days absence —— Mar31 '22 » Apr01  '22    06
20220308    20220309   02 days absence —— Mar08 '22 » Mar09  '22    05
20211212    20211213   02 days absence —— Dec12 '21 » Dec13  '21    04
20211210    20211212   03 days absence —— Dec10 '21 » Dec12  '21    03 
20211127    20211130   04 days absence —— Nov27 '21 » Nov30  '21    02
20211024    20211026   03 days absence —— Oct24 '21 » Oct26  '21    01 

         See similar occurrence about the..
         Usage of mature kids and protecting therapists of children.

20210705     MARITZA'S MUM DIED, SNOWBALL STARTS ROLLING. MARI IS NOT AN ADULT. —————————————————————————————————————————————


  • Now, you claim to be a Catholic which I believe to be true, with the exception that you NEVER became a mature competent adult and were always as a little 14-year-old focussed on protecting your mother and brother from your Pedo Fr Fausto as he was a 48-year-old strong Latino male, so it was just easier to just give him a massage or something (Ed: physically similar like a quick fudge) to calm him down with your well-heated caring Latina nature.

    You should have received therapy and treatment, so it’s your mother’s fault that she refused to enable your appropriate recovery.

    So essentially, when she died on July 5th, 2021 you shortly thereafter begin your pattern of breach our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at a rate of 20% of the time, which is actually one of the few black/white areas of our existence. You're either with me, or you’re against us. Now you’ve gone totally batshit crazy. I’m just being direct, something which you apparently dislike.

    Kelly is my friend and Bustiness Partner, so it is unreasonable for you to claim that I’m threatening to sleep with my friend while you remain AWOL from our marriage. Do you understands how very stupid you’re acting? Kelly is my friend and business partner, nothing more and nothing less. She’s not going to steal over $5,000 from our Independent Ontario Advocacy Group because she understands that I’ve documented our financial records, and have actually set it up so whether by Fraud over $5,000 or simple Theft over $5,000 of the debit card, she’ll be guaranteed a room at the Federal Penitentiary. She also understands that I have a well-documented disability, which renders art more adversarial. Special bonus points for Anne, whose recorded Social Insurance Number is documented as SIN: ### ### ###.

    Anyways, let’s hope I don’t have to burn everyone.. because I’ve prepared for that, and I will do that. Love and respect darling,

        Mr Isaac Bon Hillier

    I’ll be included this email in the file I’ve built for provision to CRA Fraud Analysis, and the RCMP Federal Team regarding Kelly’s well known schemes that puts our children before her self-satiation interest. I hope that she’ll be present at my son’s graduation next year.. right? Because I’m planning to. 

