I told you there was an IMPORTANT amendment to the Code of Canon Law

ON: September 21st, 2024 at 1433EST
RE: I told you there was an IMPORTANT amendment to the Code of Canon Law.
FR: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier
TO: Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco, Ms Kimberly Curry
CC: Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, Ms Kelly Anne Wolfe

  • Cc:
    Ms Kimberly Curry
    Ms Kelly 
    Anne Farkas

  • Maritza,

    I love you and have a duty to yourself and to God, and I recognize the imperative conveyed by the June 1st, 2021 changes to the Code of Canon Law. As an ADULT I expect you to be, not as a CHILD. An ADULT will punish the doer of Evil, whilst the CHILD is unable to reasonably comply with our God’s requirements.

    Your Father committed EVIL against you, and by your not responding with recognizance and punishment as an ADULT, it is usually construed as COMPLIANCE with and allowance of such EVIL being committed against my son and his sister in the reasonably foreseeable future.

    You equate MY Son as less important than YOUR Father? Please do not do this, for I love you as an ADULT. We each have our duty and responsibility sworn before God. Please do not demand that I regard you as a CHILD.

    Kim is on your side, but she hasn’t heard both sides, which is how you ALWAYS ensure that you are not recognized as incorrect in regards to Mr Isaac Bon Hillier, who’s STILL your husband ass wedded in the Roman Catholic Church on October 15th, 2011.

    You CLAIM to be Mrs Maritza Bon Hillier, and NOT Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco. GTFU or GTFO.

    Respectfully yours,
    Isaac, Chief Technical Officer
    Independent Ontario Advocacy Group
    Internet Security, Operations and Intelligence
        Cel:        +1 437-553-2224

